Monday, November 8, 2010

Pain with a Purpose

Pregnancy has been quite an up and down experience! One time I got a waitress to get me half onion rings and half fries even though she said it was not allowed. Ahh … the perks of being a pregnant lady!

As I am getting “more” pregnant, I have one word for my growing body … uncomfortable! It seems I am moving slower, sleeping worse and getting more uncomfortable as the days go on. Sometimes I think I can actually feel my belly stretching. When I start to get grumpy or whiney (don’t ask my husband how often this happens), I try to remind myself this too shall pass. That there is a very worthy purpose for this pain and discomfort. That I am going through this process for a reason.

God will also take us through this process. He will take situations in our life to grow and stretch us to bring us closer to him or teach us something. It is not always comfortable, in fact, sometimes it is just painful! But sometimes we have to go through tough times. I know it is the tough times in my life that have shaped me and taught me some tough lessons. Lessons you think you know about, but unless you have experienced it you have no idea.

These growing periods are also a test of character. We can choose to whine and complain or to praise God. It makes me think of the song, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord.” The lyrics say:

Blessed be your name
In the land that is plentiful
Where the streams of abundance flow
Blessed be your name

Blessed be your name
When I’m found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be your name

What is God taking you through?

Michelle Heriford


  1. Michelle,
    Yes, it IS worth it... in both cases...having the baby and stretching and growing with the Lord. May God bless you in both cases.
    In Christ, Patricia

  2. Ahhhh. I'm trusting Him to take me through adolescence. Not sure if it was harder when I was in it myself, or now that I'm going through it again with my kids.
    Growing and stretching, to be sure!
    Blessed be Your Name - even when my son has his 'teenager moments'!
