Do you remember that delicious bowl of fruit Marvin had with him on the stage? And how he walked around at the end of the message, dropping fruit everywhere as an illustration of how we can allow the gospel to bear fruit in us? He encouraged us to leave Fruit everywhere we go.
It was shortly after I listened to Marvin’s sermon that I was hired at the pharmacy. And soon after I became employed, God spoke to my heart about leaving Fruit around the pharmacy. Every day at work I am going to meet people who need Fruit:
- the young mother picking up antibiotics for her fussing toddler
- the tired woman who is caring for her aging mother
- the frazzled man whose wife has just had surgery
- the discouraged college student who didn’t expect his prescription to cost so much
And because I am on the same side of the counter as the prescriptions these individuals need, I have the opportunity to give them Fruit. An understanding look and a warm smile, a kind word and a gentle touch, listening patiently and sharing a laugh, whispering a prayer for the one in front of me — these are ways I can be the love of God. These are ways I can give Fruit away while I’m working in the pharmacy.
How about you? Where in your life does God want to bear Fruit? Who are the people with whom you come into contact every day that need some of the Fruit you’re carrying? Let’s give it away!
Karen Hossink
Good challenge, Karen! If you can do it with the people you serve at the pharmacy -- people who are sick and stressed and tired -- I should be able to do this in areas of my life.