Monday, May 24, 2010

Unpredictable but Constant

I remember my 11th birthday well. It was March 14, 1939, and I received my first balloon tire bike. It was blue and daddy had a protector over the chain, so I wouldn’t get caught in it. I also received a kite from a friend, and as soon as supper was over I rode my new bike over to the playground and flew my new kite for the first time! Another thing that makes this birthday stand out is that I didn't have to wear a coat or a sweater — the temperature was in the 70s.

Fast forward 11 years to March 17, l950 — my wedding day. I was now 22 years of age and doing my student teaching. There was a blizzard and most of my first graders didn’t really expect there would be a wedding. However, there was although some folks were unable to come because of the weather. It got down to 20 degrees below zero that night!

If we live in Michigan, we can expect the weather to be unpredictable. Walking with God is like that as well. We never know what He has in store for us but we survive because He is there with us. He is in control and won’t give us more than He knows we can handle.

Both March 1939 and March 1950 showed us unusual weather. Even though I didn’t know what to expect, God knew. He is never surprised, which is a comforting thought in the midst of everchanging circumstances. How have you seen Him with you lately in a way you didn’t expect?

Annie-Laurie Robinson

1 comment:

  1. Unpredictable, for sure! Even now I'm not sure I should put away the winter clothes. It could still get really cold!
    Just this morning God showed me He was with me, as He gave me insight for how to handle a certain situation with my son. And as He came through for me on working out little details - which I can only attribute to Him, and His perfect timing.
    Love it when He does that!

