Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mercy with My Name on It

Have you ever been desperate? Ever felt like there was too much for you to do, too much to handle, and no way you were ever going to make it through? Have you ever tried to face the day, but found yourself wanting to run back to your room and hide under the covers until it was time to go back to bed?

I've had some mornings like that recently. I sat down to breakfast after already experiencing conflict with my son over his need to unload the dishwasher. My daughter asked me to sign papers and fill out forms for school and reminded me of the ingredients she needed for foods class — which I forgot to buy. The boys were arguing over who had to let the dog out and then one of them spilled the milk.

And as I bowed my head to thank God for my food and ask His blessing on my day, these are the words that flowed from my heart, “God, I’m desperate today. I know I can’t make it without You!” When the next day started similarly, I just prayed, “God, I’m desperate again.” The third day echoed the same prayer and I began to wonder if I should start writing my own episodes of Desperate Housewives.

A friend reminded me of Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” My friend smiled and told me, “His mercies are new every morning, Karen. And He’s got one with your name on it!”

Mercy with my name on it. Oh, how I love that concept! And He’s got one with your name on it, too. Do you know what that means? Think about it. He — whose steadfast love never ceases — sees you every day and He knows your tomorrows. God knows how your circumstances are going to unfold. The Creator of the world is orchestrating the events in your life for your good and His glory.

Karen Hossink


  1. Thank God HIS mercies are new every morning! Wow, what a great reminder!

    I have recently been battling what I like to call the "snowball syndrome!" This happens when my mind just rapidly starts pulling together everything that could possibly be wrong with me and my life. After just a few short minutes, I can EASILY get this "snowball of problems" to be the size of a MOUNTAIN! The challenge for me is to slow down the thoughts and fears, and substitue them for recalling just how BIG HE really IS! This makes it much easier to to then lay the burdens down and ask His wisdom and guidance in walking through them.

  2. Sheryl, I am picturing you and God walking behind a snow-blower. You're looking at one of your life challenges and you're saying to Him, "God, how am I going to make it through this one?" And He puts His arm around you, gives the snow-blower a push and says, Just walk with Me, Sheryl.
    I'm going to enjoy pondering this image today!

