Monday, March 29, 2010

Making the Invisible Visible

I’ve been eagerly watching for my flower bulbs to push through the soil. I have a few red tulips, yellow daffodils, and purple hyacinths planted in front of our home; as the sun gets warmer, they start poking their heads up to see if our Michigan winter is over. What I love about this is watching the invisible become visible right before my eyes. All winter the bulbs lie hidden, but God is preparing them for their spring debut.

My spiritual life is sometimes like my garden. At times, I’ve planted, watered, and waited, but I see nothing; no “fruit.” I’ve prayed without success for someone to awaken to Christ; I’ve prayed for marriages that fail and friends who pass on into eternity. I’ve asked for ministries to prosper, only to see them flop; prayed for leaders only to see them abandon their ministries; and I’ve yearned to have an impact for Jesus, then felt as though my efforts are like footprints washed away by waves.

But it’s then that Christ reminds me that “what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Heb. 11:3). He is a God who works in the invisible realm, then makes His work visible. Just as He prepares my bulbs for new life out of sight under the winter soil, He is actively completing His work in the unseen spiritual realm.

What I see as “fruit” and what God is actually accomplishing may be very different! Maybe that’s what “walking by faith” means — believing that the invisible God is responding and working powerfully even when I can’t yet see the evidence.

Lord, as I wait expectantly, knowing my tulips and daffodils will eventually appear, teach me to trust in You to eventually make the invisible work You are doing in my life and in the lives of others visible!

Anne Cody

Director of Group Life, Trinity Church


  1. Anne, I have been waiting for my tulips, too. Had given up on them because my other bulbs have been visible for a few weeks. But one day my son came running in and told me he saw the tulips. I was so happy!
    The waiting is never easy. But God's timing is always perfect, isn't it?

  2. I so identify with that thought Anne. Waitning is tough but oh how beautiful when the answer rises to the top! Cathy Bytwerk

  3. A few years ago, I tried to do some force rooting. I took some bulbs, put them in a bag in the basement, then when I thought they had sufficient "rootage," I put the bulb in a vase. In the midst of this eagerness to see it blossom, the stalk started to grow and eventually flop over. I asked my friend what the problem was, she told me that I had not given the bulb enough time to root in the basement! A great reminder of your same lesson there Anne :)

  4. Sheryl, I relate! I'm so impatient by nature - it's good to be reminded that He IS at work, whether I can see the results or not!

    Which I hope includes His working on making me more patient. :-)

